Why Politicians Won't Save Our Kids

What confuses me and gets me is the number of professing Christians who jump into these arguments and rants. I'm confused as to why there is a Christian political choice to be made?
I think I have a theory. Are you ready for this? I'm about to slap the cold hard truth at you and chances are many won't like it. Jesus said it's gonna get much worse before it gets better.
Gang. The only way our kids make it out of this thing is going to be through some pretty horrific times. The only way we know this is to listen to Jesus' warnings. The apostles and other witnesses to Jesus did a fantastic job of recording His teachings for us.
Look at Matthew 24:3-14 and see if what I'm telling you isn't true. See, parents, listen really close. It's time to stop reading all the Political headlines to find an answer and start reading the Bible to our kids.
Here is the promise before Jesus returns and the End will come. There will be wars and rumors of wars. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. This is not the worst, just the beginning. There will be persecutions, betrayals, hatred, false teachers providing false hope, Deception and lies, Lawlessness will increase and love will grow cold.
See, but Jesus didn't leave it at that. He also said that through all of this, there is Hope. Those who persevere will be delivered. Those who know the truth will have Hope and will be saved.
The Kingdom of God will be proclaimed all over the world. The Good News of Jesus will reach the farthest reaches as a testimony to all nations. How? Good question. It will be spread by those who know it. You and I and our children.
The future that is in this world does not bode well for us. If our focus is on this world, we will collapse under the pressure. We will fold like a used dollar bill. Only through the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus will we have real Hope in this hurting world.
Stress and Anxiety over all the political rantings won't save us. Jesus promises peace and joy. Politicians promise more angst and frustration. Our Children desperately need parents who are willing to stand in the gap, take up the call and teach them about Jesus by His own Word, the very Word of God.
In the Discipleship Starts @ Home Blueprint, parents have a system of teaching their kids the Bible that takes all the hard work out and makes it simple and fun for the family. The Bible doesn't have to be tedious, it just needs to be read and taught a little bit every day. Request your copy of Discipleship Starts @ Home Blueprint Today.
If you have 20 minutes to watch the latest news feed on your Political hero, you have 20 minutes to spend with your kids in God's Word. You can do this parents! Your kids need you to do this.
Joshua Christensen is a speaker with The Next Generation Ministries, author of Consider the Ant, New Horizon, Money Book for Teens, and a real estate entrepreneur.
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